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Dominate Real Estate with AI: The Mastermind for Investors Who Don't Settle

Unlock AI-driven strategies, elevate your team, and join a network of elite investors. This isn't just another mastermind - this is where top players learn to play at a different level.

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Ready to make the competition irrelevant? This isn’t just another program—it’s the only mastermind that arms you with the exact AI-driven tools and strategies to consistently land off-market deals others don’t even know exist. Get everything you need to scale your operation, train your team, and dominate your market—fast.

Courses for You & Your Team

Course #1: Create Killer Hot Lists for Commercial Properties

Master the art of building hot lists for mobile home parks, storage facilities, RV parks, hotels, motels, warehouses, laundromats, apartment complexes, retail properties, and more. Perfect for you or your VA to implement.

What You Get:

  • Comprehensive Instructions: Step-by-step guidance for building exclusive hot lists.
  • Cutting-Edge Strategies: Stay ahead with the latest techniques.
  • Flexible Implementation: Designed for both you and your VA to use easily.
  • Expert Insights: Leverage my proven methods to target off-market leads.

Course #2: Revolutionary Data Strategies with ChatGPT

Learn to create code that automates adding thousands of Google Maps images to your spreadsheets without manual effort for free in seconds. (No Experience Required)

What You Get:

  • Custom Code Creation: Learn how I created custom code with ChatGPT to add images to spreadsheets, even without knowing how to read or write code.
  • Easy Step-by-Step Guide: Follow my process to create these tools, turning ideas into reality using ChatGPT.
  • Innovative Solutions: Bridge the gap between ideas and execution – use AI to bring your concepts to life.
  • Unlock New Possibilities: Discover innovative ways to automate tasks and revolutionize your data management.

Course #3: AI Assistant Setup with ChatGPT

Create AI versions of yourself. Train AI Assistants to amplify you and your team's efficiency and save you time and money.

What You Get:

  • Custom AI Assistants: Learn how to create specialized AI chats for various tasks, from managing ideas and tasks to onboarding new employees, valuing commercial property deals, making offers, reading contracts, and more.
  • Training and Setup: Step-by-step guide to setting up and training your AI assistants to act as extensions of yourself.
  • Innovative Solutions: Use AI to handle complex tasks, providing strategic advice and operational support as if you had multiple expert assistants.
  • Enhance Productivity: Transform how you manage your business with AI-driven insights and automation.

AI might seem intimidating at first, but remember the early days of the internet? Once you start using it, you'll quickly realize its potential. Imagine running your business without the internet today. Learning AI now will put you miles ahead of your competition.

Weekly New Lessons

Stay Ahead with Fresh, Cutting-Edge Content Every Week

What You Get:

  • Exclusive Insights: Access brand-new lessons every month on advanced strategies and techniques.
  • Diverse Topics: Learn about the latest trends and tools in AI, real estate, and business automation.
  • Continuous Growth: Keep your skills sharp and stay ahead of the competition with regular updates and new material.

Weekly Recorded Meetings

Never Miss a Beat – Access All Weekly Strategy and Q&A Sessions

What You Get:

  • Full Recordings: Watch the complete recordings of weekly strategy and Q&A meetings from the day you sign up.
  • Valuable Discussions: Gain insights from in-depth discussions on current challenges and solutions.
  • Learn at Your Pace: Review and revisit the meetings whenever you need, ensuring you stay up-to-date and informed.

Over the years, I have successfully bought and sold a wide variety of commercial properties, consistently securing deep discounts and making six-figure profits. Whether you aim to flip or purchase properties for yourself, learning from my proven strategies can save you millions on your investments. Here are just a couple of examples of the success you can achieve by leveraging the techniques you'll learn in this mastermind.

Case Study: Storage Facility Deal

Motivation: The seller was overwhelmed with personal issues and running the facility without support.

Outreach: Our VA found the off-market owner, and we built trust by understanding her situation.

Acquisition: We looked at the numbers – a $55k NOI (20%) – and locked it in for $275,000.

Outcome: Bought and sold the property for $410,000. Revenue: $135,000

Case Study: Car Wash Auto Shop in Colorado Springs, CO

Motivation: 80-year-old owner wanted to sell after a shooting incident, feeling disconnected and unable to manage.

Outreach: Our VA reached out, built a connection, and offered a solution.

Acquisition: We locked it in for $410,000.

Outcome: Bought and sold the property for $555,000. Revenue: $145,000

Case Study: Mobile Home Park in Pueblo, CO

Motivation: The owner was tired of managing a rundown 41-unit mobile home park, spanning two city blocks, where tenants were unhappy and the manager was running it into the ground.

Outreach: Our VA reached out and connected with the owner, who was eager to sell and avoid further conflict with tenants.

Acquisition: We recognized the market potential with many people moving to Pueblo from Denver. We put the property under contract for $650,000 and assigned it to a partner for $714,000.

Outcome: Generated a revenue of $64,000 and built a relationship with a mobile home park owner of more than 2,000 lots.

These strategies aren’t just about closing deals—they’re about total freedom. I run my entire operation from my phone, anywhere in the world, without ever setting foot on a property or meeting a seller face-to-face. Over 90% of my deals are done remotely, proving that when you leverage AI and a virtual team, you can scale faster, work less, and dominate the market without being tied down.

Exclusive Member Benefits

Strategy Call with Evan

Receive a personalized 60-minute strategy call with Evan to tailor AI and lead generation strategies specifically to your business needs. When you sign up you'll get access to Skool's Platform where there will be a link to book your call.

Access to Trained VAs

Seamlessly integrate trained Virtual Assistants who specialize in AI and Commercial Real Estate into your business. Whether you need a done-for-you service or training for your existing VAs, we’ve got you covered. Get the guidance you need to implement advanced strategies and scale your operations with ease.

First Access to New Systems

Get exclusive, first access to cutting-edge AI-driven lead generation systems as they’re developed. Stay ahead of the curve with new lessons and modules released regularly, designed to keep you at the forefront of the industry.

Members-Only Workshops

Attend exclusive workshops and webinars where advanced strategies are taught and applied. Bring your team to engage in live Q&A sessions with industry experts, ensuring everyone is aligned and equipped to execute at the highest level. 

Elite Mastermind Community

Being part of this mastermind means you'll never be alone. Hosted on Skool with easy app access, collaboration is our secret weapon. Together, we'll uncover and master AI strategies faster than anyone else. Join a network of elite high performers who are just as driven, committed, and hungry for success as you are—right at your fingertips.

Done-For-You Services

Members also gain access to a powerful suite of done-for-you services. Whether you want to fast-track your success by getting the right list, hiring the perfect team, or even setting up your entire system from start to finish, we offer tailored solutions that allow you to leverage my proven resources for quick implementation. This way, you can focus on high-level strategy while your team handles the courses—or skip the learning curve entirely and get results faster by tapping into our expert services.


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Why You Need to Join Today

  • Direct Access to Evan: Direct Message me directly in Skool. Tap into real-time guidance, insider strategies, and the support you need for massive growth.

  • Exclusive Content: Access unique courses and strategies that no one else in the industry is offering for you and your team.

  • Direct to Seller Strategies: Learn how to use AI to target off-market leads that other investors miss.

  • Personalized Guidance: Get a strategy call with Evan to tailor the approach to your business.

  • JV Opportunities: Partner with Evan on deals to maximize your success.

  • Future-Proof Your Business: Be at the forefront of AI and real estate innovations.

  • High-Level AI Resources: Leverage my connections with cutting-edge AI startups and industry leaders to propel your business forward with exclusive tools and resources.

80% Off - Limited Time Only!

Don’t miss your chance to lock in massive savings and join the elite. This offer won’t last—act now to secure your spot in the mastermind.


Join Now

When You Sign Up Today, You’ll Receive:

  • 60-Minute Strategy Call with Evan: Dive deep into your business strategy, fine-tune your approach, and get personalized advice to accelerate your success.

  • Exclusive Access for Your Team: Your employee or partner will get their own login to Skool, ensuring they’re fully integrated into the mastermind. (Note: This is reserved for US-based team members, spouses, or partners—no VAs, keeping the group high-level.)

  • Free Trained VA Sourcing: Need a Virtual Assistant? Use my proven system to source your first VA within 90 days of signing up—free of charge ($1,500 Value). This gives you time to get acquainted with the mastermind and decide if and when you need a VA.

  • 80% Off Your Membership: Lock in an incredible deal and get 80% off when you sign up today. This is a limited-time offer designed to help you maximize your investment.

  • Build a List with Evan This Week: Join me in a hands-on session where we’ll build a targeted list together, setting you up for immediate success.

  • Access to Workshops and Weekly Meetings: Jump into our next workshop and connect with other members during our weekly meetings. Stay engaged, learn from the best, and keep your momentum going.

  • Customer Service: Have a question or need support? DM my full-time assistant anytime, day or night. We're here to ensure you have the help you need, exactly when you need it.

  • Continuous AI Innovation: The mastermind isn’t just a one-time experience—it's an ongoing journey. I’m constantly exploring new AI strategies that amaze me every day, and I’m bringing that cutting-edge knowledge straight to you. Join me, and let’s move fast together—you're never alone in this journey.

Have Questions? We've Got Answers!

Mark Cuban once said, 'There are two types of businesses: those using AI and those that will cease to exist.'

This resonates deeply with our mission. Adopting AI isn't just a competitive edge; it's essential for survival and growth in today's market.

Think about it this way: not adopting AI is like refusing to learn Excel because you're used to pen and paper. Short-term pain for long-term gain. Over a few months, the efficiency you'll gain will be monumental.

Don't get left behind. Embrace AI now and dominate your future.

Take Action Now - Transform Your RE Business!

Join the ranks of top investors who are leveraging AI and cutting-edge strategies to dominate the commercial real estate market. For just $997, you'll access everything you need to succeed - courses, tools, and expert support. Lock in this rate now before prices jump. This is your moment.

Ready to stop dreaming and start doing? Click the button below to join and let's make big things happen.

Join Now for $997