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Transform Your Real Estate Business with Our Unique AI and VA Integration System

Join Our Six-Week Program to Master Direct-to-Seller Lead Generation and Scale Your
Business Efficiently

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Transform Your Real Estate Business with Our Unique AI and VA Integration System

Join Our Six-Week Program to Master Direct-to-Seller Lead Generation and Scale Your Business Efficiently

Explore Membership Options
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Our Benefits

Save Time

Let a trained VA handle routine tasks so you can focus on high-value activities.

Boost Efficiency

Use AI tools to automate and streamline your processes

Increase Leads

Implement a proven system to generate off-market leads from motivated sellers.

Enhance Productivity

Create and use AI assistants tailored to your needs, guided by your VA.

Comprehensive Support

Your VA will help you every step of the way, ensuring smooth operations.

How It Works

What Happens After 6 Weeks

Ongoing Support and Training

  • Monthly Updated Training: Both you and your VA will receive monthly updated training on enhanced techniques.

  • Weekly Mastermind Meetings: Join our weekly mastermind meetings to discuss progress, challenges, and solutions.

  • Joint Venture Opportunities: Opportunity to JV on deals with Evan if you need assistance in making offers or closing deals.

Client Responsibilities

  • Closing Deals: While your VA will generate leads and manage systems, you will be responsible for speaking with sellers and closing deals. Training and support for closing deals will be provided.

  • Direct VA Payment: You will pay your VA directly with no markup from us, ensuring fair compensation for the VA's work.

  • VA Management: You will manage your VA independently. We provide initial training and support for the VA, but ongoing management will be your responsibility.

Support System

  • One-Year Support: For one full year, both you and your VA can reach out to our team if you encounter any problems.

  •  VA Replacement Guarantee: If your VA quits or lacks productivity, we will replace them quickly at no additional cost.

  •  Platform Support: Your VA will be trained to contact the platforms directly for any support-related issues.

Estimated Monthly Costs

To help you plan your budget, here are the estimated monthly costs for running the system at a basic level:

These costs can vary based on the scale of your operations and the specific tools you choose to use. We recommend starting with the basic setup and scaling as you see results.

Why Choose Us?

Unique Approach

Our approach to supporting you utilizes a unique methodology that sets us apart from others.

Proven System

Our system is designed to find
and convert off-market leads efficiently.

Comprehensive Training

Each week, you receive detailed videos, guides, and checklists to ensure success.

AI Assistants

Learn to create and use AI assistants in ChatGPT to streamline your tasks and boost productivity.

Full Support

Your VA will be trained to help you integrate AI and systems, ensuring seamless operations.

Ongoing Support

Regular check-ins and support to address any challenges.

Why Choose Us?

Unique Approach

Our approach to supporting you utilizes a unique methodology that sets us apart from others.

Proven System

Our system is designed to find
and convert off-market leads efficiently.

Comprehensive Training

Each week, you receive detailed videos, guides, and checklists to ensure success.

AI Assistants

Learn to create and use AI assistants in ChatGPT to streamline your tasks and boost productivity.

Full Support

Your VA will be trained to help you integrate AI and systems, ensuring seamless operations.

Ongoing Support

Regular check-ins and support to address any challenges.

Case Study

Case Study 1: Storage Facility in Lancaster, TX (Dallas MSA)

Motivation: The seller was overwhelmed due to personal circumstances, including caring for her dying parents and a recent divorce, coupled with the operational demands of running the facility without a website or support.

Outreach & Relationship Building: Utilized a trained VA to identify and reach out to the off market owner, leveraging empathy and understanding to build a trusting relationship.

Acquisition & Analysis: The acquisitions team took over, carefully evaluating the facility's NOI of $55k (20%), leading to a strategic contract at $275,000.

Exit Strategy & Profit: Executed a double close, selling the property for $410,000 with no risk and a $135,000 Profit, demonstrating the effectiveness of understanding seller motivation and strategic closing techniques.

Case Study 2: Car Wash in Colorado Springs

Motivation: Following a shooting incident at the car wash, the 80-year-old owner, living 2000 miles away, was motivated to sell, feeling disconnected and unable to manage the property effectively.

Outreach & Relationship Building: Our VA pinpointed the incident and initiated contact, showcasing concern and a willingness to provide a solution, which opened the door for meaningful dialogue.

Acquisition & Analysis: The acquisitions team quickly engaged, assessing the property's value and potential, leading to a contract at $410k based on solid financial analysis and understanding of the local market.

Exit Strategy & Profit: Leveraged an assignment strategy for a risk-free profit, successfully selling the contract for $555k and netting a $145k profit, illustrating the power of timely outreach and urgency behind the distress of mom & pop owners.

These were wholesale deals sold to buyers at deep discounts. Just imagine the discount if we were to have bought it instead! This system works with any exit strategy with any property type in any market. Cherry pick the deals you want to buy and wholesale or do whatever with the rest.

Case Study

Case Study 1: Storage Facility in Lancaster, TX (Dallas MSA)

Motivation: The seller was overwhelmed due to personal circumstances, including caring for her dying parents and a recent divorce, coupled with the operational demands of running the facility without a website or support.

Outreach & Relationship Building: Utilized a trained VA to identify and reach out to the off market owner, leveraging empathy and understanding to build a trusting relationship.

Acquisition & Analysis: The acquisitions team took over, carefully evaluating the facility's NOI of $55k (20%), leading to a strategic contract at $275,000.

Exit Strategy & Profit: Executed a double close, selling the property for $410,000 with no risk and a $135,000 Profit, demonstrating the effectiveness of understanding seller motivation and strategic closing techniques.

Case Study 2: Car Wash in Colorado Springs

Motivation: Following a shooting incident at the car wash, the 80-year-old owner, living 2000 miles away, was motivated to sell, feeling disconnected and unable to manage the property effectively.

Outreach & Relationship Building: Our VA pinpointed the incident and initiated contact, showcasing concern and a willingness to provide a solution, which opened the door for meaningful dialogue.

Acquisition & Analysis: The acquisitions team quickly engaged, assessing the property's value and potential, leading to a contract at $410k based on solid financial analysis and understanding of the local market.

Exit Strategy & Profit: Leveraged an assignment strategy for a risk-free profit, successfully selling the contract for $555k and netting a $145k profit, illustrating the power of timely outreach and urgency behind the distress of mom & pop owners.

These were wholesale deals sold to buyers at deep discounts. Just imagine the discount if we were to have bought it instead! This system works with any exit strategy with any property type in any market. Cherry pick the deals you want to buy and wholesale or do whatever with the rest.

What You Get When You Sign Up

Common Features:

  • Access to Monthly Workshops
  • Weekly Q&A Meetings
  • Specialized Data Enhancement Services (Done For You)
  • Enhanced Skip Tracing
  • High-Level Trained VA Placement Service
  • Opportunities to JV with Evan’s Team on Property Deals
  • Community of Like-Minded Individuals
  • Forefront of AI and Innovative Industry Practices
  • Exclusive Content and AI Strategies Shared by Evan
  • New Lessons Dropped Monthly
  • Access to Monthly Workshops
  • Weekly Q&A Meetings
  • Specialized Data Enhancement Services (Done For You)
  • Enhanced Skip Tracing
  • High-Level Trained VA Placement Service
  • Opportunities to JV with Evan’s Team on Property Deals
  • Community of Like-Minded Individuals
  • Forefront of AI and Innovative Industry Practices
  • Exclusive Content and AI Strategies Shared by Evan
  • New Lessons Dropped Monthly


$997/ Month

Usually $11,964/year

  • Course on How to Build Their Mom-and-Pop Hotlist
  • Course on How to Use ChatGPT to Develop Custom Code for Unique Programs (includes a lesson on getting images into spreadsheets for enhanced data)
  • New lessons dropped monthly, including add-ons to existing courses
Avail Now



Limited to the next 10 people!

  • Free VA Placement to Set Up Their Lead Generation System
  • Participation in Setting Up the Lead Generation System Directly with Evan
  • Weekly Recordings of the Six-Week Course on Setting Up a Mom-and-Pop Commercial Outreach System for Off-Market Direct-to-Seller Properties
  • Private Weekly Meetings with Evan During the System Setup
  • Highest Level of VA Service Package (VA trained to set up the system, get leads together with Evan, and full participation in the setup process)
  • Be part of the course creation process and receive exclusive insights


Avail Now


Limited Offer!

Pay for the Year at a Discount and Get Additional Exclusive Benefits 

For the next 10 people, the yearly membership includes:

  • Free VA placement and direct participation in setting up your lead generation system with Evan.
  • Exclusive access to the creation of the six-week course, including weekly recordings and private meetings.


Once the 10 spots are filled, the $10,000 yearly tier will only include access to what the monthly tier offers.

Not Ready for the Full Commitment? Join the AI Empowerment Academy for free to get started and access basic resources and support here

If you are already a member, DM Evan in Skool.

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Amazing Feature

Because of the proprietary nature of our system, we do not offer refunds. However, we are committed to your success.

One-on-One Support

If you are not satisfied for any reason, we will work with you one-on-one until you close a deal or save $100,000 on your next investment.

Proven Results

Our system is designed to save you hundreds of thousands of dollars on discounted commercial properties